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Charlton holding out hope for Quadrilateral Guineas run

Trainer says he continues to prepare Quadrilateral for the 1,000 Guineas in the hope the still takes place this year.

The 1,000 Guineas was due to be held on May 3 but as a result of the current coronavirus pandemic, all horse activity in Britain has been suspended indefinitely.

The British Authority are hopeful of a return to action in May with the rescheduled Guineas weekend taking place at the start of June, albeit that is a best-case scenario for the .

Despite the delay to the English Classic, Charlton says he still intends to run Quadrilateral.

The offspring is the favourite to claim the showpiece having enjoyed an excellent debut season, being named best two-year-old in Europe after winning on all three of her starts.

The Beckhampton trainer reports Quadrilateral to be in fine form and is ready to throw her in at the deep end when it comes to the encounter.

Charlton told Racing TV: “As long as the preparation continues here as it is at the moment, I wasn’t thinking of wanting a prep race. I view good to be horses that should improve and I would like Quadrilateral to be better in September/October than she might be in June.

“It’s a long season, we hope, and I will try to present her in the first weekend in June in the best possible fitness. It will of course be interesting to see if Ireland and France are able to come, we don’t yet know that.”

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