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Al Shaab stud manager tweeted Donald Trump in desperate plea to end stable raids

The general manager of Libya’s most respected stud, Al Shaab, has said he tweeted the President of the United States, Donald Trump, in an effort to prevent their remaining being stolen, reported by American Gambler.

The Al Shaab stud near Libya’s capital, Tripoli, was reportedly subject to a raid by armed militia on Saturday, which saw the assailants take “six stallions and six in-foal mares” in a theft said to have lasted 14 hours.

The stud’s general manager, Dr. Amad Eshaab, spoke to the Daily Telegraph (h/t Racing Post) and said he had reached out to Trump after receiving no local aid in defence of the site:

“I tweeted to Mr Trump ­because of the lack of response to the call for help to stop the suffering of the horses. We will not stop until the horses are released. We will contact every ­global person who can help us. I appreciate the widespread sympathy for the ­hostage horses. I would like to thank everyone. I draw my strength from you.”

It’s understood 1998 Solario Stakes winner, Raise A Grand, now 24 years of age, was among those to be stolen from Al Shaab, as was Eavesdropper, half-brother of 1992 Belmont Stakes winner A.P. Indy.

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