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Injured Jockeys Fund bike ride

My wife, Angela Dodd, formerly Gingell, in 2008 had a horse related accident and broke her back leaving her a paraplegic.

Within two days of this life changing accident the Injured Jockeys Fund were in contact pledging their support. Angela had ridden and trained point to point .

Whilst the first hurdle was for her to accept her change of life, it was a comfort to know the IJF were there
with guidance and help.

She spent a time at Oaksey House in Lambourn and received equipment and help to aid her in her recovery. She is now on track and has her independence back. I feel it is the time for me, Anthony Fison her husband with her son Matthew, and great friend and ex jockey, Charlie Ward, to try and raise money for the IJF.

We are embarking on a 550 mile bike ride over five days , starting at Jack Berry House in Malton Yorkshire, visiting , , and racecourses, finishing up at Oaksey House in Lambourn.

This will be a big undertaking for us all so please can we ask for your generous donations to help make this the success it so much deserves.

Donations can be made at

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