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Virtual Horse Racing Games At The Bookies

Imagine you’re at the bookies on a night with all the matches finished and not a horse race in sight. You might think of going home and keeping your hard earned for another day. However, you may also decide to stay there and try your luck on, what is now offered at nearly all the larger bookmakers, and that is the never ending cycle of virtual horse games.

This ingenious idea is conceptualized just like a regular horse race. There are 8-16 runners involved, together with , form and statistics for all of them. And just like in a regular race, the odds for each horse actually reflect their chances of winning the race. So if you bet on a horse with odds of 2/1 you have a higher chance of winning than if you bet on a horse with odds of 5/1. However, this doesn’t mean that the favourite always wins the race or that the runner with the lowest odds always loses.

A good and often used analogy to better understand how the virtual horse race is programmed is if you compare it to the lottery draw. In the lottery draw every ball has the same chance of being pulled, and it’s the same thing here. However, there’s one difference – the underdog (the runner with the highest odds) covers just one ball and the favourite (the runner with the lowest odds) covers several balls. Because of this the favourite always has a higher chance of being proclaimed the winner.


This aspect of the game makes many people to argue that there is no actual skill or knowledge involved in predicting the winner in a virtual horse racing game. They say that there is not much difference between virtual horse race and playing the slot machines or the aforementioned lottery draw, claiming that it’s all down to pure luck. They also maintain that even though luck is an undeniable feature in a regular horse race, there are other, more tangible factors, which help the punter to make the correct prediction.

That being said, the positive aspects of the virtual betting games heavily outweigh the negative ones. First of all, you can bet on a horse race every single minute of every single day, no waiting or checking racing schedules. You’ve got some money and the next match or race doesn’t start in an hour; no problem, there’s a virtual horse race waiting just for you and it’s starting in 30 seconds.  Secondly, in a virtual race there are no breaches of rules, steward inquiries, injuries or any other headache inflicting phenomena. Once the race ends your winnings are there to be collected. And finally, the joy that you get from backing a winner in the virtual world is very real and not much different from the joy you get when you are backing a horse from flesh and blood.

Nowadays all the major bookmakers offer virtual games together with some enticing bonuses (such as this UK bonuses) and free , making it really interesting for all betting enthusiasts. So if you were thinking of, but still haven’t tried out the bookies newest product, you shouldn’t delay any longer. There’s probably a race somewhere near you, and it’s starting right now.

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