We will launch our new website, www.masterformguild.com, on the 1st of September and we will also introduce a service which has never been issued to my knowledge by any other horseracing organisation. It is called “The Tissue.” The advises will come from The Masterform Ultimate Tissue which I, Eddie Wood, give interesting details about in an article in this month’s Racing Ahead see page 47. It is the first opportunity that any service provider has ever given for a tissue compiler to share their selections on a regular basis. The difference between ordinary racing services and “The Tissue” is that the returns on ones investment is virtually guaranteed. This is because you will have the opportunity to back horses at a higher price than their true chance of winning the race. You can join this service under three levels of subscription; three monthly at £150, six months for £250 or pay an annual fee of £400. Members of this service can expect between 15 to 20 advises per month at excellent prices, rarely lower than 5/1. You can join this service by visiting our website, www.masterformguild.com. Our bank details: