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From this month’s Racing Ahead magazine

Cash Woes: British Racing needs injection of racing minds

Rolf Johnson muses on pains of racing’s cash woes and executive ‘circus’ and ponders whether or not the sport should be seeking to employ from within its own ranks, or follow the example of other thriving sports.

Rolf Johnson muses on pains of racing’s cash woes and executive ‘circus’

A round peg in a square hole is still a peg. A finger in the dyke wouldn’t have saved the Low Countries from flooding had it not been a good fit (sorry, a myth – no hole, no finger).
Most football managers, however briefly their face fits, can kick a ball. Racing’s circus harbours administrators who wouldn’t know a horse if it kicked them. And their dyke is crumbling. Plugging the £3billion ‘black hole’ in racing’s finances means somebody has to get their finger out.
When ‘candidates’ saw, in the Racing Post, last Augu...

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