Everyone knows that sports activity improves the body and has a positive effect on physical and psychological health. In this article, we are going to show you what sports sections are the best for children at this or that age.
What individual characteristics should be considered first of all?
Firstly, parents need to take into consideration the physical characteristics of their children. Secondly, it is extremely important to consult a doctor about contraindications for practicing certain sports. In addition to health issues, it is worth considering the temperament and personality of the baby.
Why should your child’s age be taken into account?
Every sport has a minimum age requirement to start. At the same time, it is essential to distinguish between amateur and professional sports.
There is a very interesting fact. Many parents choose a sport based not on the preferences and abilities of the child but the popularity of a particular industry. Some parents download a betting app such as Bet365 Australia and analyze which sports are the most popular and in demand. Not for the purpose of making money, of course, but to know in which field it is better to develop. And this is a practical approach. Indeed, as a rule, excellent analysts work in such companies, and articles from such blogs can help with selection. A really original option, isn’t it?
Let’s take a closer look at what kinds of sports are suitable for children of different years.
Sports from 0 to 3 years
In the first years of life, a child should understand his body in the surrounding space. Swimming is the best for this since water is a natural environment for the baby. Swimming stimulates blood circulation, strengthens the heart muscle and locomotor system, and prevents seasonal colds and infectious diseases as well.
From 4 to 7 years
Dancing, figure skating, judo, artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, artistic swimming
It is crucial to learn how to control the body and to make precisely coordinated movements at this age. So dancing is a perfect choice. Usually, girls prefer this kind of activity, but it is suitable for boys as well. The dancing provides harmonious muscular development, improves orientation in space.
One more option is basic judo. Children learn how to hold their bodies the right way, to fall correctly, as well as to practice good posture. Here, the child receives the first skills of social communication. As with dancing, basic judo is more of a preparatory course for this age group. Technique and throws they study later, at 7 — 9 years.
From 7 to 9 years
Football, basketball, volleyball, hockey, water polo, rugby, handball, gymnastics, skiing, cycling, rowing, all martial arts, chess
From the age of 7, pediatricians advise enrolling children in team sports – football, volleyball, etc. They are united by game and team spirit. At this age, your child becomes more resilient and concentrates better during training.
Moreover, pediatricians advise not to abandon individual sports. It is better to do both in parallel. They train in the child the ability to withstand prolonged physical activity, make efforts, overcome fatigue, teach concentration and develop a sense of responsibility.
Chess, on the other hand, has a positive effect on logical thinking, the ability to build tactics and strategy. It improves memory and has a great effect on the child’s academic success.
From 9 to 14 years
Archery, fencing, tennis, speed skating, weightlifting, sailing
At this age, sports activities are aimed not only at improving health and developing skills, but at the result as well — participation in major competitions. Your child can start practicing more specialized disciplines that use traumatic tools: fencing, tennis, or archery.
Don’t try to create a new Olympic champion. It is enough for your child to be healthy, physically fit, and active. In addition to the positive effect on health, sports can discipline, strengthen character, be strong not only in body but in spirit.
Parents often decide from their own preferences and their unfulfilled desires when choosing a sports section for their children. Practice shows that parents try to realize themselves in children. Dad, who dreamed of being a hockey player, but due to some circumstances didn’t become one, chooses a hockey section, and the kid’s talent lies for music, drawing, or something else. Therefore, remember that you are choosing the activity for your child. It means you should take into consideration his desires, his preferences, as well as his abilities and skills. Good luck!