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Two Superb Pastimes: Poker And Horse Racing

Poker and really are not that different when you look at the core qualities regarding . In many ways a hand of poker is like a race to the finish line with the player that holds the strongest hand the most likely to win. A player will bet on a strong hand in much the same way he would bet on a strong horse and hope that luck stays with him enough for his hand or horse to hold up until the very end.

Other variables are similar too. Somebody betting on a horse will take into consideration all of the other jockeys and in the race before deciding just how much to bet. This is similar to poker in that players will always know who the other strong players at the table are and will always take them into consideration before making any decisions in a hand.

A poker player will also know who the weak player at the table is just like an experienced racegoer will know the weaker horses that will be running.

There Are Differences Though!

There are not many better days out than going to the races, taking your chance and using your knowledge and experience to try and pick out the winners on the day. It really is, as you will all know a fantastic experience, especially when you win.

The only difference between horse race betting and poker is that you do not have any control over the outcome of your bet other than hoping that your instincts and judgments were correct. Of course you can spread your in order to minimize the damage but we are sure that sometimes you wish you could just jump on that horse and push it to a win yourself.

With online poker you are pretty much in control of your own destiny and can back out of a bet at anytime if the cards are not falling your way. You can also win without having the best hand by bluffing your opponents and scaring them away from their own hands. There is a huge psychological aspect to the game, an aspect that can give you a huge advantage once you know how your opponents play.

In summary, both horse and poker have their benefits. They both offer players the chance to make some money using their skill and knowledge and are extremely fun at the same time. So how about a perfect day of horse racing finished off by a night of online poker at home? You never know, you could come out a winner in both.

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