Last week we had no joy with our trends selections. Although we never like losers it does indeed give me the opportunity to discuss what in my eyes is the most important part of sports betting.
So what is the most important part of sports betting?
In one word it’s ‘patience’.
99% of bettors fall down at this hurdle. The truth of the matter is if you’re an individual who has no patience, then sport‘s betting is not for you. It really does not matter if you have a very successful strategy or angle, if you can’t wait for the selections to come along then you will not make money.
I personally can’t remember the last time I visited a ‘betting shop’. To be truthful I don’t miss them one little bit! However if you are a regular visitor to your local betting shop I’m sure you will have seen ‘gamblers’ who must ‘bet’ on every race.
These gamblers do not specialize in specific races, they do not read the form and they have no staking plan or betting bank. I’m sure you have seen many of these people in your local shop. These gamblers have likely been using the same betting shops for twenty plus years, and if you’re likely to enter the shop in another twenty year’s they’re likely to still be vacating the premises!
The reason for this is that no one can be profitable by betting in every race.
To make a living from sports betting you must have an edge on other bettors, and most importantly the bookmakers. This is why concentrating on specific races or having a successful angle or strategy is a must. But to have the patience to put your ‘edge’ into practise is the most important criteria of any sports bettor.
The past two ‘Saturdays’ we have spoken briefly about trends. At we use trends criteria as part of our data analysis each day. Making profit can come in all ‘shapes & sizes’. Our trends data has a low win strike rate of 20%. However over the long term makes very good profits. What an individual will need to follow our trends criteria is ‘patience’.
As we mentioned earlier we had no joy with our trends selections last Saturday. However during the week we hit two big priced winners, these were…
Petit Ecuyer WON 50’0
Pancake Day WON 13’61
Plus other smaller priced winners.
Remember – The key to success is…
1) Find a profitable tipster service, strategy or angle.
2) Be professional by using a betting bank (we will talk about this is in the future).
3) Be patient and wait for the correct selections.
Have a great weekend and a great Christmas.